New Adult Practical Nursing Session Beginning Fall 2022

You could say that Chris Davis went the extra mile—literally!—to become a nurse.
The Otego resident, who recently graduated from our Adult Practical Nursing program in Albany, drove 175 miles daily to take classes and complete required clinical time training.
“I spent between $150 to $180 a week on diesel for my truck, but it was worth it,” said Davis.
Davis, a certified nurse assistant (CNA) for a hospital near his hometown, chose the program to advance up the career ladder.
“I went to a BOCES in high school and got my CNA certification,” Davis explained. “I started a few years ago the nursing program at ONC BOCES, but then COVID hit. I heard good things about the program at Albany so I transferred there and it was great.”
“The practical nursing program at Capital Region BOCES is the best! The way the teachers carry themselves, care about students and help students epitomizes what it means to be a nurse,” he said.
Davis was not the only 2022 adult nursing graduate to log thousands of miles in pursuit of a Capital Region BOCES education.
Shahinda Ghaly commuted 170 miles roundtrip daily from her home in Highland, Ulster County to the Career and Technical School in Albany where she took part in the full-time Adult Practical Nursing program/
“It’s three hours a day in the car, but it was worth it,” said Ghaly, who was valedictorian of her class.
While there were closer options for the 43-year-old to become an LPN, Ghaly said a combination of Capital Region BOCES’ reputation and her passion makes the commute worth it.
“I was an RN student at (a downstate college) and I had to leave because of my son’s illness. I decided to go back and I looked around and even Dutchess BOCES recommended Capital Region BOCES, so I decided the drive was worth it for the education,” said Ghaly.
“I’ve never seen more dedicated teachers. They support the students and put up with so much. They have given us a great experience and a start in our careers,” she said.
Attend Our Adult Practical Nursing Program
Davis and Ghaly were among the 116 part-time and full-time students who graduated this June after completing 1,100 hours of education and clinical training required to test for certification as Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN).
Interested in career in one of the fastest growing and highest demand jobs in the nation?
A new session of this program is scheduled to begin Sept. 6, 2022 running through June 2023. Adults are encouraged to register now for the 10-month program by calling 518-862-4709.
Learn more about Capital Region BOCES’ adult practical nursing program, and dozens of other courses available to adult learners through our Career & Technical School.