Approximately three dozen Mohonasen High School students interested in careers in professions ranging from criminal justice to welding to cosmetology met with faculty and students at the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center – Albany Campus on Feb. 6 to learn how BOCES can shift those aspirations into high gear.
Some students were looking to explore career options, while others already knew what they wanted to do and were looking for a competitive edge as they explored various programs offered on the campus.

“I like the career options and the possible outcome that welding offers,” said Paul Swinz, a Mohonasen sophomore as he watched seniors in the Welding and Metal Fabrication program craft a fire pit.
Fellow sophomore Emma Wilson believes a BOCES education will give rise to her career aspirations to be a baker.
“I want to one day own my own bakery and I think BOCES can get me there,” she said while creating bread balls in one of four culinary labs BOCES operates.
Once an education path for those students only seeking vocational skills, career and technical education is now a pathway for students looking to build career skills, get a start on their college education or just learn a life skill that will allow them to pay for college. At the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School, more than 70% of high school students pursue higher education, while many others directly enter the workforce with a highly technical skill set such as cooking, network cabling or operating heavy equipment.
Students in nearly all of Capital Region BOCES’ 27 programs earn certifications and valuable skills while also working in a real-world setting, such as area businesses.
Mohonasen sophomore Sean Ryan plans to attend BOCES to be a nurse and brings a very personal reason for choosing that profession.
“I was in the hospital for two months and had a lot of conversations with the nurses and that just got me really interested in it,” he said.
Enrollment is currently underway for the 2024-25 school year. For more information on career and technical school programs, go to