Special Education Code of Conduct

We offer students a sense of belonging that fosters meaningful learning, social-emotional growth, positive behaviors and better outcomes—personally and academically. Conflict resolution strategies used help students take responsibility for their actions, restore relationships and create a culture of value and care.

Students, their families and school personnel all have a role in making school safe and implementing this Code of Conduct. Please review this with your child.

In each of our programs, we work to promote a positive school climate and culture that provides students with a supportive environment where they can grow socially, emotionally and academically. Students, their families and school personnel are responsible for working together to address behaviors that disrupt learning.

This Code of Conduct applies to all students and their families, school personnel and visitors when on school property or attending school functions.

Student Rights

Students are guaranteed the right to:

  • Be respected as an individual and treated fairly and with dignity by other
    students and BOCES staff.
  • Take part in all BOCES activities on an equal basis regardless of actual or
    perceived race, weight, color, creed, national origin, ethnic group, religion,
    religious practice, gender (including gender identity and expression), sexual
    orientation or disability.
  • Express one’s opinions in a respectful manner, either verbally or in writing.
  • Present their version of relevant events to BOCES personnel authorized to
    impose consequences.
  • Access BOCES policies, regulations and rules and receive an explanation of
    those rules from BOCES personnel.
  • Be provided with clear expectations regarding course objectives,
    requirements and state standards, grading, assignment requirements and
    deadlines and of BOCES and classroom rules and expectations on behavior.

Student Responsibilities

All students are expected to know school rules, understand them and follow these rules. Students have a responsibility to:

  • Help maintain a safe, supportive and orderly school environment where
    meaningful learning can happen.
  • Show respect to other students, staff and school property.
  • Help keep the school environment free of violence, intimidation, bullying,
    harassment and discrimination.
  • Attend school every day unless they are legally excused and be in class on
    time and prepared to learn.
  • Work to the best of their ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward their highest level of achievement possible.
  • Use a polite tone of voice and appropriate body language and listen when others are speaking to them.
  • Respect personal space.
  • React to direction given by teachers, administrators and other BOCES personnel in a respectful, positive manner. 
  • Ask questions when they do not understand.
  • Ask for help in solving problems.
  • Dress appropriately for school and BOCES functions.
  • Work to develop skills to manage their emotions and reactions and to
    resolve conflict with others.
  • Accept responsibility for their actions and work to build and repair
  • Be good representatives of the BOCES when participating in or attending BOCES-sponsored extracurricular events; hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor and sportsmanship. 
  • Be familiar with and abide by BOCES policies, rules and regulations dealing with student conduct. 
  • Be truthful when speaking with BOCES officials regarding Code of Conduct violations. 

Discipline of Students with Disabilities

Students identified as having a disability or presumed to have a disability may be suspended or removed from school in a manner consistent with New York State Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (Part 200 and Part 201).

Student Discipline Options

Students and staff are expected to work together in an atmosphere of respect to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. We all know that consequences are most effective with students when they deal directly with the problem and in a way that students view as fair and impartial.

Restorative practices will be promoted as a response to student actions that violate the dignity, safety or well-being of others. This is done by connecting the person responsible for the harm with the individual/those who have been harmed in order to reach a resolution. This approach helps guide and assist the person responsible for the harm in accepting responsibility, apologizing for the harm, making meaningful reparation and improving relationships.

The goal is to prevent a recurrence of negative behavior by helping students learn from their mistake by helping them:

  • Understand why the behavior is unacceptable and the harm it has caused.
  • Understand what they could have done differently in the same situation to
    create a logical and balanced resolution.
  • Take responsibility for their actions and address the needs of others involved
    in an incident.
  • Be given the opportunity to learn pro-social strategies and skills to use
    in the future.
  • Understand the progression of consequences if the behavior reoccurs.

Participation in restorative meetings is always voluntary; impacted or harmed students are not required to participate in restorative meetings. 

We encourage students and their families to review the complete 
Code of Conduct for specific information on appropriate conduct, graduated consequences of unacceptable conduct and how we ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly. 


Bullying disrupts students’ ability to learn, educators’ ability to teach and threatens classroom and school safety. Capital Region BOCES does not tolerate bullying of any kind on school transportation, on school grounds, in school buildings and classrooms or at school–sponsored events and functions, including those that take place outside of the school or through electronic means if it interferes or cam be expected to interfere with the educational environment. 

Learn more about the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) and how our staff investigate bullying incidents based on this guidance.

Student Dress Code

All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Teachers and other BOCES personnel should model and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in school. Attire that is disruptive to teaching and learning is not allowed.

Personal Electronic Devices

Teachers and administrators can confiscate student cell phones that are being used in violation of the board’s cell phone policy (Section VI/Student Conduct, Code of Conduct Policy #5300)

Personal electronic devices may not be used in any way that threatens, humiliates, harasses or intimidates students, school personnel or visitors, or otherwise violates district policies and regulations or local, state or federal laws.

Students are prohibited from sending, sharing, viewing or possessing pictures, text messages, emails or other material of a sexually explicit nature on their personal electronic devices while on school premises, at school-sponsored events/activities or on school transportation.

Students are responsible for the security of the personal electronic devices brought to school. The district is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged or unauthorized use of personal electronic devices.


Capital Region BOCES works to provide an orderly, respectful environment that is conducive to learning. All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner.

Where To Get Help

Students with concerns about their relationships with other students or staff can always get help from their building principal, teachers and school counselor and/or social worker. Often these staff members can help students resolve issues that could turn into arguments or fights in or out of school.

Contact information for our schools and for our Special Education
administrators including your child’s building principal. 

Contact our school/program counselors and social workers.