Level: Elementary and Middle School (center or district-based programs)
Recommended Ratio: Elementary, Middle and High School (K-12) 8:1:2
Students in this program:
- have one or more mental health diagnoses and have a history of trauma that impacts academic learning.
- present with difficulty with self-regulation.
- demonstrate difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships.
- have difficulty with adult authority and classroom routines.
- have difficulty with transitions.
- have significant delays in social emotional development.
- struggle academically because of their unavailability for learning due to their inability to handle frustration and the rigor demanded instructionally.
- ultimately they could be working toward a Regents diploma, Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) or NYSAA.
- benefit from frequent pre-sets and changes in activities.
- require an intensive staff ratio in a highly structured classroom environment.