Level: High School (district programs)
Recommended Ratio: High School 8:1:2
This program is designed for students:
- with cognitive delays who also have delays in speech and language skills and social emotional development.
- who may have physical impairment, health impairments or anxiety issues.
- who may also demonstrate difficulty in self-regulation and behavior management.
- who may demonstrate delays in self-care and daily living skills.
- who may need speech therapy, OT, PT and/or our counseling service that are integrated into the classroom.
- who may struggle with reading and/or writing and require Explicit Systematic Instruction in reading, writing and math.
Students in this program will access some of their classes in a mainstream setting. Students may be in a self-contained classroom in a public school if mainstreaming in general education is not appropriate.
Students will most likely be eligible for the New York State Regular Assessments (NYSAA), Regents or local diploma and/or CDOS Credential.