OverDrive Advantage

Expand and streamline access to digital media with a single, easy to use platform.

Signing in and navigating multiple platforms to read and learn can be overwhelming and time-consuming for students and adults alike. 

With OverDrive’s introduction of Sora, students have access to a new, user-friendly way to borrow ebooks, audiobooks and streaming media with a simple one-click download. 

In addition, a subscription provides instant access to the most extensive digital catalog from any device. With more than 15,000 titles, there is truly something for everyone! 

Expert training and guidance from our staff will help ensure you get the most out of your digital collection to meet the needs of every reader. Powerful tools like audiobooks and Read-Alongs, dyslexic font, adjustable text, a multilingual interface and Google Translate are just some of the available features.

Get an Overdrive Advantage subscription for your school district and open a world of reading for your students today.

What to Expect 

  • Easy-to-use, single sign-in platform. Expect greater ease of use and access to the resources your students and staff need most with a single, easy-to-use platform designed specifically for K-12 students.
  • Expert guidance and support. Get expert guidance and support from BOCES staff so that you can fully leverage all aspects of digital content.
  • Extensive and diverse catalog. In addition to a school district purchasing their own ebooks, students have access to others available through the regional consortium collection with one login. 

How It Works

  • Contact us. Contact us to get started with this service (needed to access
  • Get started. Begin accessing the OverDrive/Sora platform to expand your district’s resources. Students can use any personal or school-issued device to find their school, log in and browse your OverDrive digital collection.
  • See results. Watch reading engagement soar at your school.

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