Teaching and Learning

The school calendar typically includes one or more staff-only days before students arrive at school. Acknowledging the challenges that our teachers and staff have faced this spring delivering remote instruction under stressful circumstances, Capital Region BOCES will focus these in-service days on providing support to staff in the areas of training regarding COVID-19 operating protocols, social-emotional learning and technology integration.

As we enter the new school year, teachers will be encouraged to spend time building relationships, supporting students with the transition back to school, and teaching social distancing etiquette at developmentally appropriate levels.  

CRB has planned for three different instructional models. These models will allow CRB to ensure that students receive quality instruction regardless of where they are physically located. 

The models are:

In-Person Instruction — all students back in our schools/classrooms

Hybrid Instruction — combination of in-person instruction and remote learning

Remote Instruction — all instruction takes place on-line

Special Education

All students will have the opportunity to return in person to our Capital Region BOCES special education programs when schools reopen. Due to the nature of our programs and class size, social distancing within all classrooms can be met with no modifications other than the moving of furniture to allow for six feet between students. 

Students will stay with their class throughout the day in order to minimize contact with other students and adults. 

Students will either eat in the cafeteria or classroom, based on schedule. Regardless of location, social distancing protocols will be in place. 

Staff and students will adhere to the 12 foot guidelines when students are engaged in physical activity. The includes, but is not limited to, recess and physical education class. 

For students who are not able to return to in person instruction, we will provide a remote learning option. This will look similar to the model we used and had success with during our Extended School Year (ESY) program. Students will have a daily schedule that will have dedicated time for live teaching, assignments and additional time for reinforcing previous skills. Related services will be provided via teletherapy. There will also be a weekly home visit component. Teachers and related service providers will be expected to meet with parents/guardians on a weekly basis to adjust schedules and instruction based on the students’ needs. 

Given the possibility that communities may experience spikes in COVID-19 cases at any point during the school year, which may prompt short- or long-term school closures, we have developed a remote learning model and schedule. During in-person instruction, teachers will use the technology, platforms and programs that students will need if/when instruction is moved to remote learning. This will allow for easier transition between the in-person and remote learning model. 

If/when instruction is moved to remote learning throughout the year, Capital Region BOCES will provide students with Chromebooks and work with families that have connectivity/access issues.

Teachers will use technology, phone calls, email and home visits to support students/families while in remote learning. Teachers will also use home visits to drop off learning materials and resources that are not technology dependent. 

Students will have a daily schedule to follow during remote learning. This will include live instruction delivered daily by the classroom teacher. Students will also participate in small group learning to ensure peer interaction and engagement is maintained. 

All classroom instruction, assignments and feedback will happen within a Google Classroom set up by the teacher. This will allow for students and families to easily access, schedules, synchronous and asynchronous instruction, assignments and feedback.

Related Services

Related services as outlined by a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be delivered face to face during in-person instruction.  If/when remote instruction is necessary, services will be delivered via teletherapy. In cases where a student does not have access to internet connection, faculty will work with families to provide activities and resources that meet the IEP goals. Teachers will work with families to assist them with facilitating the sessions. Phone calls and home visits will allow for teachers and families/students to connect if unable to otherwise. 

Career and Technical Education

Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical School (CTE) programs will be delivered via a hybrid model when school reopens. The physical space of our CTE classrooms and class size will allow all students the opportunity to return in person for the hands-on learning portion of the program. Social distancing within all classrooms can be met with no modifications other than the moving of furniture/equipment to allow for six feet between students.

The integrated coursework part of the program will be delivered remotely via Google Classroom. The hybrid model will allow for instruction to be focused on hands-on learning when students are on campus. Students will have access to teacher support for their integrated studies via email, virtual office hours and when they are on campus for their hands-on learning.  If a student is not engaging with the online integrated coursework, the teacher will follow up with the student, in person, when they are on campus.    

If/when remote learning is necessary, CTE instruction will also be moved to google classroom. Teachers will utilize simulations, demonstration videos or other related content and platforms to deliver instruction that traditionally is done in a hands-on way.  Providing students with direct feedback about their engagement, learning and assignments will be part of daily interactions.

New Visions

All students will have the opportunity to return in person to our Capital Region BOCES New Visions programs when schools reopen. Due to the class size, social distancing within all classrooms can be met with no modifications other than the moving of furniture to allow for six feet between students.

Teachers typically use Google Classroom as part of their instruction. During in-person instruction, teachers will use Google Classroom and other technology, platforms and programs that students will need if instruction is moved to remote learning. This will allow for easier transition between the in-person and remote learning model. 

If/when remote learning is necessary, New Visions teachers will move instruction to Google Classroom. Teachers will utilize simulations, demonstration videos or other related content and platforms to deliver instruction that traditionally is done in a hands-on way. 


All students will have the opportunity to return in person to our Capital Region BOCES P-TECH programs when schools reopen. Due to smaller class size, social distancing within the classrooms can be met with no modifications other than the moving of furniture to allow for six feet between students. 

Teachers typically use Google Classroom as part of their instruction. During in-person instruction, teachers will use Google Classroom and other technology, platforms and programs that students will need if instruction is moved to remote learning. This will allow for easier transition between in person and remote learning model. 

Students will have a daily schedule to follow during remote learning. If/when remote learning is necessary, P-TECH teachers will move instruction to Google Classroom. This will include live instruction delivered by the classroom teacher. Teachers will utilize simulations, demonstration videos or other related content and platforms to deliver instruction that traditionally is done in a hands-on way. 

Students taking college courses at Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) or Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) will follow the schedule set up by the college. Both colleges have communicated that classes will be online for Fall 2020. When our P-TECH programs are following the in-person model, students will have classroom space and faculty support to assist with their online college classes.