Print Management

The Print Management Service helps districts save both time and money by managing and streamlining the printing process. Our staff obtains printing quotes for publications and acts as the liaison between district staff and print shops. We pride ourselves on fast, personalized service. Given the volume of printing we purchase on behalf of districts, we have established solid relationships with many commercial and BOCES printers that result in high-quality service. Should a printing job ever fall short of your expectations, our seasoned staff will work to resolve the situation to your satisfaction.

The Capital Region BOCES bid process helps school districts obtain the most competitive prices for printing. We solicit quotes from commercial printers and several BOCES print shops. All jobs are shipped directly to districts from the print shop. Each year, we provide you with a “Report of Total Jobs Printed,” showing the breakdown of quantity, price and total cost, to help you manage your printing budget.

Our graphic artists can design and lay out forms, letterhead and business cards and archive them in our office for easy, future updates. Worried about back-to-school printing needs? Provide us with a list of what you need and we can coordinate printing and delivery before the new school year.